From make-up to movies, tantric sex to Television. Edomites are naturally wired to love any and everything opposite from Yahawah's laws. Don't believe? Then Observe. Go into a deli and see what the majority of the choices are. Look at how the women dress.
The illusion of tight clothes to show the figure, make-up which is socery of a beguiling and seductive kind, false fragrances laced with pheromones to work on your subconscious and latent chemistry.
The edomite illusion of power, fame, money and prestige - with out technology, the edomite man is NOT Rambo!!
To fall for the okey doke is to show just how carnal you are - work on this! The new world to come will not be based on any of these things. And all who proved themselves to fail in this era will have to live in shame and powerlessness in the next.
Wake Up Jacob!!! The weapons of our war are SPIRITUAL!
Keep the Laws, build your integrity and separate from your ENEMIES!!!
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